Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Daily Money Manager?

A daily money manager is a professional who helps manage everyday money matters like bill paying, banking, budgeting, expense tracking, and insurance reimbursements. To learn more about the profession, visit the American Association of Daily Money Managers (link to

How does it work?

We offer both in-home and remote customized services depending on the client’s preferences and location. We can provide assistance weekly, biweekly, monthly or even annually. Some clients will engage us as needed, for example, during a transition time in their life, when help is needed to manage their financial affairs.

Do clients give up control of their finances to you?

No. Our clients remain in complete control of their bank accounts, including signature authority. Our business is built on trust, therefore, we are completely transparent and document all actions we take. We will share any and all information with clients and their authorized family members to assure them that their finances are being managed properly.

Can I contact you on behalf of a loved one?

Yes, of course. Please contact us and we can describe in more detail what we do. We can then speak to your family member or friend together and further assess their needs.

How much does the service cost?

We offer a free initial consultation and, therefore, encourage people to contact us to learn more about how a daily money manager can help them. Once you enlist our help, our services are billed by the hour.

Do I keep my financial advisor and accountant?

Yes. At Ag Daily Money Management, we do not provide legal or investment advice. Instead, we act as your advocate and serve as a liaison between you and your accountants, lawyers and financial advisors.

What is your privacy policy?

Our client relationships are strictly confidential. We do not share information with third parties, unless expressly authorized to do so.

How do I get started with you?

Call us at (267) 934-1400 or email us at to set up a no cost, no obligation consultation. We can discuss your needs and explore which of our services may be helpful to you.


You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Have other questions? Feel free to contact us