

Bill Payment & Mail Management

  • Set up automatic bill pay.

  • Create a calendar of bill payment and other financial due dates.

  • Open and sort mail; throw away junk, shred sensitive information, and file important papers.

  • Pay bills.

  • Review bills for errors, overcharges and fraud.

  • Resolve billing issues.

  • Provide customized reports on bill payment activity.


Budgeting, Expense Tracking and Taxes

  • Organize financial records for presentation to tax accountants.

  • Prepare and file tax returns.

  • Ensure taxes are paid on time.

  • Create and maintain a realistic budget.

  • Provide expense/spending reports.

  • Monitor bank and financial statements for fraud.

Banking & Other Services

  • Prepare and execute bank deposits.

  • Reconcile bank accounts.

  • Refer to and assist with interactions with other professionals including lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors.

  • Request and review credit reports and FICO scores.

  • Implement safeguards against fraud.

  • Organize financial files and paperwork.


Insurance Claims

  • Submit insurance claims

  • Review Explanation of Benefits.

  • Work with Medicare and insurance companies to ensure claims are paid properly.

  • Itemize assets for insurance.


The silver lining to your everyday financial matters.

Are you interested in learning more about the services we offer? Schedule your free consultation today