Bill Payment & Mail Management
Set up automatic bill pay.
Create a calendar of bill payment and other financial due dates.
Open and sort mail; throw away junk, shred sensitive information, and file important papers.
Pay bills.
Review bills for errors, overcharges and fraud.
Resolve billing issues.
Provide customized reports on bill payment activity.
Budgeting, Expense Tracking and Taxes
Organize financial records for presentation to tax accountants.
Prepare and file tax returns.
Ensure taxes are paid on time.
Create and maintain a realistic budget.
Provide expense/spending reports.
Monitor bank and financial statements for fraud.
Banking & Other Services
Prepare and execute bank deposits.
Reconcile bank accounts.
Refer to and assist with interactions with other professionals including lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors.
Request and review credit reports and FICO scores.
Implement safeguards against fraud.
Organize financial files and paperwork.
Insurance Claims
Submit insurance claims
Review Explanation of Benefits.
Work with Medicare and insurance companies to ensure claims are paid properly.
Itemize assets for insurance.
The silver lining to your everyday financial matters.
Are you interested in learning more about the services we offer? Schedule your free consultation today