What We Do

At Ag Daily Money Management we CARE for your financial affairs by taking on any or all of these roles:



We act as a liaison between you and your attorneys, accountant, financial advisors and creditors. Not sure what paperwork your tax accountant is asking for or what legal documents you need? You want to get insurance but not sure where to get started? We can help coordinate all these type of tasks and organize your documents.


We are on your side. We will resolve incorrect billing, help settle disputes with a creditor or financial institutions or help you get comfortable with pricing from vendors or other service providers (home improvements, for example).


We administer your financial matters by performing everyday tasks such as bill paying, check writing, bank reconciliations, monitoring for fraud and mail opening. We can also create budgets, be an accountability ally, and report on expense tracking so you have an idea of how much money you have to spend and where your money actually goes monthly.


We can empower you to manage your money by teaching you about common financial practices and get you started on a sustainable path for managing your finances. This is particularly helpful if you are new to managing money, perhaps just starting out in your career, newly married, a widow or divorcee or just not sure how to navigate your financial affairs.


The silver lining to your everyday financial matters.

Are you interested in learning more about the services we offer? Schedule your free consultation today